10 Things You Didn’t Know About Me
Aaaaaaa people will always stereotype, make assumptions and obviously are entitled to judge and have their first impressions about anyone…..termasuk me la. So here are 10 questions or assumptions people have about me.
- 1.
“He must be a health freak”. Not at all….people that know tahu that sebenarnya I live a very normal life….I go to the mamak, makan nasi lemak dan makan just what others eat 2.
- 2.
“Dia sure diet gile-gile”. Like I kata tadi..not at all. FYI I head to the mamak about 4-5 times a week 2. My secret? If there was one its about balancing the food you take….if I have nasi lemak in the morning, I pastikan lunch and dinner are better choices.
- 3.
“Pergi Gym hari-hari”. Actually tak….dengan my busy schedule…kalau dapat pergi 3 kali seminggu pun dah kira satu kejayaan
Its all about quality trainin..bukan quantiti. Nanti ya’ll can buy my book and find out how
- 4.
“Macam Sombong Je”. Haahaha this one I get a lot la. I dunno why…maybe my air muka kot. But i always tell people takkan I nak jalan and senyum sokmo! Nanti orang kata I gile pulak
- 5.
“Kevin ni sure tak bole cakap melayu”. Hmmmm well since I tak lahir kat sini, BM I tak sehebat orang yang lahir di Malaysia. But dengan my family melayu, sekolah menengah melayu….i rasa its good
just sounds a lil funny.
- 6.
“Dia nie mesti ramai perempuan”. Nope…I believe in loyalty and am a 1-girl kind of guy.
- 7.
“Hidup senang kerana his looks”. Easy to say that la kot. But people that know me….tahu that I probably work as hard and dedicatedly as anyone. I rasa we all have to make the most out of what is given to us.
- 8.
“Mesti hidup macam mat salleh”. Pun tak
I have been “Malaysianized”. So my life is really sama dengan all of you..not just dari segi lifestyle but secara keseluruhan la. I love my Malaysian ways
- 9.
“Sure Tak pandai mana”. I’m not going to be say much here. Takkan nak bangga diri
- 10.
Hmmmm thats it kot…..can’t think of anything else.
sure ke u tak jaga makan? macam tak percaya je…
jangan marah k?
Kevin is the typical male bimbo! LOL! Takde la, he’s actually pretty cool and down to earth. However, he’s not truly “Malaysianized”
as you can see through his work ethics. His German half is more dominant – you know what they say about German efficiency!
kevin memang suka makan kat kedai mamak!!! tapi confirm kevin tak suka nasi lemak! kevin cakap melayu samer jek mcm the way he writes in his blog. he is very2 loyal… and he is genius… ok kevin, i dah banggakan diri utk u… hehehe… i think i know u well enough, kan maverick!!!
kawan – jaga2 la……but not as strictly as people assume
if you know how to jaga, its very easy
maverick – let’s just say i’m proud of both my malaysian and german heritage.
harith – tak suka nasi lemak? salah tu
i suka but kalau tak dapat pun takpe
kev? he’s cool. not sombong at all. his malay’s a bit funny-lah (talked to him ONCE), but whos isn’t?
i think everybody pikir yang celebrities ni sombong2, mingkin sebab some bad apples, but come to think about it, when strangers tegur korang, everybody pun mesti takkan nak warm up *snap* just like that kan?
and one more thing, ada ke org pegi gym hari2? robot aper…
“Sure Tak pandai mana” is such an understatement
keep up the good work,bro!!
roro zorro – when did we talk? but yeah ur right celebrity or not, we all manusia biasa…. and like anyone else, if ur approach is appropriate…sure ok.
Silentcikenit – thanks. btw thats a funny nick. I like.
u tak sombong ah kev. inilah hakikat dunia. kalo kita ramah sangat orang kata kita giler, tapi senyap sikit oarang kata kita sombong… so mana satu yang u nak pilih?? hehehe…. buku u dah keluar ker? tak nampak pun….
ala.. ppl will always somethings about you and judge you by yr appearance. But you need to know them before you can judge them.. right!! like you tips.. though..
fren – buku keluar after raya….nanti i’ll post up preview and bole pre-booking.
azie – thats true…people will always judge one another
thanks for droppin by.
if u can survive mrsm, u can survive anything!!
i don know much about kevin, but i think his a good and kind person…takde la sombong sangat if people can talk something that is related to him and interesting topic ( i guest)…tul tak bro kevin?
susah tak jadi orang kacuk ni?apa komen?
hi kev, was watching u on oh Lelaki last nite.. look oh-so-good
and despite what others might say, i believe that by the end of the day, we’re all only human kan? u seem like a nice decent dude 
susah nak jadi org kacuk? hahahah tak la….semua bergantung on the individual.
but its great to be alive!
I nak comment on number 9 – sure tak pandai mana..hehe i simpan lagi your resume (zaman flinstone ‘asmaradana’ air haha) very impressive achievement i must say…but yeah, takkan nak membangga diri kan kev?
Hey Kevin, i stumbled onto your blog surfing for fitness stuff.
Readers – Provided that Kevin is the same person I knew few years back:
I can vouch for no. 5 and 8, you’re definitely Malaysian on your Malaysian-side even if you do speak ‘skema’ Malay, heck I wasn’t THAT good in BM either haha, and who cares.
No.4 – No lah, Kevin tak sombong, you just need to strike up an interesting topic with him coz he’s not one of those “wasting ur time with useless small talk” kinda person.
No. 6 – Yep! Not the playing kind, serious and dedicated (err unlike someone u know). Whoever gets him is one lucky gal. (side note to Kevin – betul ke tabloid2 tu?)
No. 9 – Sapa yg rasa Kevin tak pandai, dead wrong. Anyway, being brainy is one thing, u need to be smart as well, so Kevin fits the bill.
Kevin class N, for all this free promo, I hope u remember me.
thanks Nina for the kind words hahahaha
of course la I remember you. You were part of the student leaders hahahahah. Why you all wanted to do that was beyond me la
Hi, Kevin… On the no. 9 (Sure tak pandai mana). Agreed with nina, dead wrong. Anyway, what the measurement to be called “pandaI”? Straight A’s or 4# or acheving what we want in our life or ??? We determine who we are & how we look others. Haha.. dah jadi ceramah motivasi pulak… I just accidently jumpa this site. I don’t think you remember me at all, but wish you luck. Byeee
hey firdhous….i’ll probably remember you when i see you. from da name alone….yeah yours is pretty common.
eh..i dont do ceramah motivasi la but yeah career talks…its not the same with motivasi
thanks for droppin by.
Haha.. I was saying that my writing here might sound like “ceramah motivasi”…
I dont think so Kevin is sombong.. sebab ramai kawan kawan kita yang mcm tu juga asalnya. Bila dah clik baru kita tahu dia sombong atau tidak. Mungkin muka u mcm susah nak senyum and people think that u are not approachable..m i right kevin?
“Sure tak pandai mana” What a judgement!!! Mana boleh tengok orang saja dah tau pandai ke tidak..
Hey Kevin, I was so happy to find someone that understands how difficult it is to take care of our health in this food paradise country called Malaysia! Almost everything that goes into our mouth is considered sinful. I felt really sad that a lot slimming centers grow like mushrooms around the country and my mom is one one their clients
I think you did a good in educating Malaysians regarding fitness and health, please keep up the good work!!
hi kevin,saya swimming 2 ari lepas bgn dari tidur esok nya peha i sakit sebelah kiri? n bisa2. adakah otot saya telah koyak.jika ye bagaimana untuk memulih?
i telah mbuat terapi berjalan di kawasan rumah
I dont even know u.. but i adore u.. wink wink…
thanks Maya..appreciate the support. Man i gotta find time to blog.
kevin.. you kn amik engineering… npe x jd engineer gak?? cmne leh tbe2 mnt nk amik pmakanan? kn jauh bdg tu… fizik kpd bio… pelik la…
eventhough i dont know u much but truly i love read ur blog
owh, mr.kevin paham malayla yer? unbelievable..u r awesome..ckp strictly dgn 1 gurl jer..so saper eh skarg..hehehehehe….tp if u wasnt tell us tntg those persoalan, im sure that i’m the one dari beribu2 org yg pkir the same thing..hahahaha…n u knew that…hahahahaha…so funny!!
thanks for the feedback everyone
hy kevin.. so far i’ve lost more than 40kgs.. after eating healthily..
thanks for creating this website.. first one in malaysia.. i’d been buying self,shape,muscle n fitness, ..ah.. u know! now i have malaysian resource..and it’s cheaper!!!!!!!! i’ve spent almost 10k for my fitness/health magazines.. huh.. since 2002.. darn..
bukan setakat hidup as Malaysian…but be prepare to be a gud muslim!!…berkat, usaha, tawakal & berdoa InsyaAllah u will success..
good day kevin .. cant wait to attend ur Fitness Workshop on coming July 25th .. to get live tips and advise from you .. see you around dude
kevin i luv u…hehehe..salam ramadhan..selamat hari raya aidilfitri maaf zahir dan batin
selamat hari raya kevin :’)
thanks everyone
Hey, sexy! Got Abs? xx *winkwink*
P.S: Hope to get a reply. Thank you! xx
Is roti canai good for our health? :O
i know you better,..because we work together…you are very friendly and easy going….but something about you that i’m not very proud. something about your work…not 100%
not 100%?
I wish u r gay.Or bisexual at least so dat u can be my bf.haha
geesh.. so sweet~
hello, you can check out my lastest ebook – panduan tambah 5kg dalam 10 minggu.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kevin Zahri. Kevin Zahri said: Kevin Zahri – 10 Things You Didn't Know About Me – not 100%? http://ow.ly/1aN990 […]
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kevin Zahri. Kevin Zahri said: Kevin Zahri – 10 Things You Didn't Know About Me – hello, you can check out my lastest ebook – panduan tambah 5kg da… http://ow.ly/1aN992 […]
hi kevin…i juz wondering…are you a muslim
im very stress now kev..wth 85+ kg and 159 cm only..its very bad 4 me..gve me some guides kev..
hahhha! you are funny.. like really funneh… i know your name back from 1997, my hsemate back then used to be from same mrsm with you. u were in US back then..u guys used to email each other kot that time..;p hehehe met u once before you become a celebrity…just recently following your blog here… good to hear from u
hey kevin…. hw to gain 5kg in a 10 weeks?????????