Freakin H.A.Z.E

I have a friend coming down from Europe today and well I have to greet him to Malaysia and our haze. Sedih jugak lah…….hahahah I’ll probably send him right back to the Airport. Oh well.
Why can’t we do anything about the freakin’ haze?! (other then doa selamat and majlis asking for rain)…..why not we eradicate the fires in Sumatera…..blast them away with some crazy a** weapon hahahahah….sorry, getting carried away here.
But seriously, I would hate for this to continue every year…its depressing! Looks like winter in europe, only worse!
Lets hope that the forest fires in Sumatera and anywhere will “chill”! And yeah…prayin for the rainy season here or there would be nice as well.
salam..agaknyer kan kevin..malaysia nih mmg “panas” kott…tuh sbb Allah nak turun bala’ just to remind us that never to stop thinking bout Him, n pray hard..anyway salam ramadhan to u ..
agaknyer kan kevin..malaysia nih mmg “panas” kott…tuh sbb Allah nak turun bala’ just to remind us that never to stop thinking bout Him, n pray hard..anyway salam ramadhan to u ..
yeah…tired of the haze too. but I think as long as illegal logging is going on, nothing much will change (I’m afraid that it’ll just get worst). Anyway, foggy winter day in Europe is much better than our dirty haze.
yeah…tired of the haze too. but I think as long as illegal logging is going on, nothing much will change (I’m afraid that it’ll just get worst). Anyway, foggy winter day in Europe is much better than our dirty haze.
illegal logging, forest fires and open field burning for the petani I think.Wish there was more we could be….but what I gauge from the papers, we’re at the mercy of the monsoon rains and wind.
illegal logging, forest fires and open field burning for the petani I think.
Wish there was more we could be….but what I gauge from the papers, we’re at the mercy of the monsoon rains and wind.
KevSpeaking of haze, I hate it too.. I have asthma, and thing could be worse if I don’t take extra care of myself. You’re right, it looks like as if we’re in some European countries.. so gloomy! The Indon gov should educate their people to take care of the enviroment. I don’t mind if it’s only Indonesia suffering from this haze.. but now it has affected many other countries in this region. I don’t want to spend my raya in such a weather. Anyway, how’s puasa been for you so far? Take care!
Speaking of haze, I hate it too.. I have asthma, and thing could be worse if I don’t take extra care of myself. You’re right, it looks like as if we’re in some European countries.. so gloomy! The Indon gov should educate their people to take care of the enviroment. I don’t mind if it’s only Indonesia suffering from this haze.. but now it has affected many other countries in this region. I don’t want to spend my raya in such a weather. Anyway, how’s puasa been for you so far? Take care!
Oh God, I hate it too. A lot of the people I know are getting sick. Most of my neighbors are sick. My brother is coughing non stop. Terrible.I hate this kind of weather. It totally bring my mood down!Oh yeah, when I was in China, it was hazy like this. Very polluted. Seldom see blue sky. Things improved in 2000-2003.
Oh God, I hate it too. A lot of the people I know are getting sick. Most of my neighbors are sick. My brother is coughing non stop. Terrible.
I hate this kind of weather. It totally bring my mood down!
Oh yeah, when I was in China, it was hazy like this. Very polluted. Seldom see blue sky. Things improved in 2000-2003.
Haze makes people go nuts. The funny things are, rumour has it that the open field burning and illegal logging is actually did by our own people. the malaysian company??? duh!!!!Wish for the rain? be careful of what you wish for because we are at the threat of “fenomena air pasang besar”. any heavy rain will brings our country into a disasterous flood. Let just laugh about it and pray that we will leave to see all of this ending. Silly us!
Haze makes people go nuts. The funny things are, rumour has it that the open field burning and illegal logging is actually did by our own people. the malaysian company??? duh!!!!
Wish for the rain? be careful of what you wish for because we are at the threat of “fenomena air pasang besar”. any heavy rain will brings our country into a disasterous flood.
Let just laugh about it and pray that we will leave to see all of this ending. Silly us!
i’m not going to make you guys freak out but this haze thingy does remind me of one of the signs of Qiamat (not so sure whether it’s the Kubra or Sughra category). it said…Kabus tebal menyelubungi langit dunia.shah
i’m not going to make you guys freak out but this haze thingy does remind me of one of the signs of Qiamat (not so sure whether it’s the Kubra or Sughra category). it said…Kabus tebal menyelubungi langit dunia.
LOL…in this case its not kabus tebal but JEREBU TEBAL….so rest easy for now LOL!
LOL…in this case its not kabus tebal but JEREBU TEBAL….so rest easy for now LOL!
yup, the freakin haze is making ppl sick. All my 3 sons have mild asthma and the haze is making them sick….coughing and dad fell sick last week. doctor told him to stay indoors…
yup, the freakin haze is making ppl sick. All my 3 sons have mild asthma and the haze is making them sick….coughing and all.
my dad fell sick last week. doctor told him to stay indoors…
yes kev, at least on the plus side, bulan puasa ni tak panas sangat ;)i would not wish a tsunami on my worst enemy, terry, and that would not change anything. even the rain has not changed anything. hope the ministers can find some good solution rather than just talk and make useless comments.
yes kev, at least on the plus side, bulan puasa ni tak panas sangat 😉
i would not wish a tsunami on my worst enemy, terry, and that would not change anything. even the rain has not changed anything. hope the ministers can find some good solution rather than just talk and make useless comments.
i tend to agree with u saudara.. maybe he was only kiddin but hey thats not nice terry..!!!
i tend to agree with u saudara.. maybe he was only kiddin but hey thats not nice terry..!!!
the haze make me demam. My nose is tersumbat which is quite a nuisance in this ramadhan month (i can’t breathe properly when i tido 6 jam pd siang hari). so hoping that we wont get a “WHITE” hari raya.
the haze make me demam. My nose is tersumbat which is quite a nuisance in this ramadhan month (i can’t breathe properly when i tido 6 jam pd siang hari).
so hoping that we wont get a “WHITE” hari raya.
looking better today but doubt that it will last…..well on the bright side…we in Malaysia “only” have to worry about the haze….other countries have war, natural disasters and poor economies 😉
looking better today but doubt that it will last…..well on the bright side…we in Malaysia “only” have to worry about the haze….other countries have war, natural disasters and poor economies 😉
Pernah pergi ke kawasan hutan tebal di Sumatera dan Kalimantan? Daun-daun kering yang gugur ke lantai hutan tak pernah dibersihkan. Setiap tahun makin tebal. Sedikit haba mampu menyebabkan kebakaran hutan yang besar. This, probably our neighbor failed to see. Yang mereka tahu cuma nak salahkah orang Malaysia juga. They should ask themself why then it happens every year?
Pernah pergi ke kawasan hutan tebal di Sumatera dan Kalimantan? Daun-daun kering yang gugur ke lantai hutan tak pernah dibersihkan. Setiap tahun makin tebal. Sedikit haba mampu menyebabkan kebakaran hutan yang besar. This, probably our neighbor failed to see. Yang mereka tahu cuma nak salahkah orang Malaysia juga. They should ask themself why then it happens every year?
Sedih kan? Wish a big gush of wind would just blow the smoke away. Sigh.
Sedih kan? Wish a big gush of wind would just blow the smoke away. Sigh.
haze… never ending stories… and im suffering! coughing, running nose, acne, soar throat & bla bla bla… man… can anyone or any country compensate me???? (owh! how i wished!)
haze… never ending stories… and im suffering! coughing, running nose, acne, soar throat & bla bla bla… man… can anyone or any country compensate me???? (owh! how i wished!)
Selamat berhari raya to you and Maaf zahir batin.
Selamat berhari raya to you and Maaf zahir batin.
Terry Gallyot.. I guess you are all brawn but with no freakin’ brains. What are you? Five? Even some five year olds won’t wish anything that bad to happen to anyone. What is haze to us compared to other bigger problems faced by some countries out there… Count your blessings.
Terry Gallyot.. I guess you are all brawn but with no freakin’ brains. What are you? Five? Even some five year olds won’t wish anything that bad to happen to anyone. What is haze to us compared to other bigger problems faced by some countries out there… Count your blessings.
Hey guys, nice topic to talk about. I miss looking at the blue sky. This is the first Haze experience im experiencing in KL. Over in Canberra and Sydney (which i lived for the past 8 years) i see blue sky all the time :). Anyway i read in the newspapers that the haze is contributed by the forest burning in our neibouring country. Well is that the only penyebab? Have you guys ever thought about we ourselve contributing to this choking and sickening atmosphere? Just imagine how many cars are there in a small country like ours? The amount of air pollution that is released into the atmosphere is anormous. I do admit that since coming back to KL i have bought my first car, a satria neo 🙂 yey!. so i’m one of the contributers to our horrible haze. I got no choice because public transport in KL sucks! everyday (prior to be buying the neo) i would catch the Komuter to work and everyday i have to do scrum and push to get in to the komuter. That is another shocker to me. Commuters in sydney trains tak pernah tolak menolak, rebut merebut naik train.Anyway, when is the goverment going to endorse alternative fuel for our vehicles? i’ve heard that we have created bio fuel from kelapa sawit, fuel from water etc…..but when can i use it in my neo? only time would tell, i suppose until we have to wear oxigen mask everytime we go out of the house, then maybe the government will look at it….hahahaha. Anyway, that is just my thought experiencing this horrible haze in KL first time….In all, I miss looking at the blue sky.
Hey guys, nice topic to talk about. I miss looking at the blue sky. This is the first Haze experience im experiencing in KL. Over in Canberra and Sydney (which i lived for the past 8 years) i see blue sky all the time :).
Anyway i read in the newspapers that the haze is contributed by the forest burning in our neibouring country. Well is that the only penyebab? Have you guys ever thought about we ourselve contributing to this choking and sickening atmosphere? Just imagine how many cars are there in a small country like ours? The amount of air pollution that is released into the atmosphere is anormous.
I do admit that since coming back to KL i have bought my first car, a satria neo 🙂 yey!. so i’m one of the contributers to our horrible haze. I got no choice because public transport in KL sucks! everyday (prior to be buying the neo) i would catch the Komuter to work and everyday i have to do scrum and push to get in to the komuter. That is another shocker to me. Commuters in sydney trains tak pernah tolak menolak, rebut merebut naik train.
Anyway, when is the goverment going to endorse alternative fuel for our vehicles? i’ve heard that we have created bio fuel from kelapa sawit, fuel from water etc…..but when can i use it in my neo? only time would tell, i suppose until we have to wear oxigen mask everytime we go out of the house, then maybe the government will look at it….hahahaha.
Anyway, that is just my thought experiencing this horrible haze in KL first time….In all, I miss looking at the blue sky.
hey elmi!you’re right about cities being “hazy” period! but our current state is way way way beyond “metropolitan smog”! Cities are just that way….. hence people escape the shitty air all year round for fresher “country air”
hey elmi!
you’re right about cities being “hazy” period! but our current state is way way way beyond “metropolitan smog”! Cities are just that way….. hence people escape the shitty air all year round for fresher “country air”
indon mmg mengarut.. pentingkan diri sendiri.. yg dia tau salahkan org aje.. so uneducated the indonesians..