Selamat Hari Raya – Maaf Zahir Batin

Raya In KL

I would like to mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya – Maaf Zahir Batin kepada semua kaum muslimat dan yeah happy holidays to those yang bukan beragama Islam.

Yup this year I will spend the entire raya holidays with my family in Ampang…well only for the first raya la, after that they are all going back to my dad’s kampung – Kampung Melayu Majidi in Johor Bahru.

Why am I not going? hahah good question. I just recently went back to JB in kira I dah lakukan my tanggungjawap. Lagipun my family are only going there for one day je…so macam malas la.

Catch me on NTV this Raya

You can catch me on two NT7 shows this raya:

1st Raya at the Breakfast Show (NTV) – “Tips on Pemakanan di Hari Raya”
3rd Raya on 1,2 Jus Game Show (NTV7)Intan and I are competing. Its hilarious I tell you.

Any Tips Pemakanan Untuk Raya?

Hahahah…..well you can catch the NTV7 segment for info but generally no la….hari raya bukanlah masa untuk berdiet. Have fun and makan what you like….yeah perkataan “like” is key la. For me I’ll belasah lemang, rendang and chocolate biscuits but for the rest that I’m not crazy bout, I’ll pass.

…have fun and makan what you like….for me I’ll belasah lemang, rendang and chocolate biscuits but for the rest that I’m not crazy bout, I’ll pass…

But if you are interested in the calorie content of lemang, rendang and kuih muih, you can buy my book or layari tidak lama lagi. Selamat Hari Raya! Maaf Zahir dan Batin!

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