Whats the value of an “A” in schools these days?

SPM graduation MRSM PC 96This post is a little off topic…but something I feel very strongly about and always stress whenever I conduct any of my education/school/career talks. Getting an A in Malaysia’s education system is overated….more often than not its too easy. You can also check out my post on Why in the world does anyone wanna get 15A1?

8As? So what!

In the recent PMR result announcement soooo many students a 6, 7 8 or even more 8As. Keistimewaan tu dah tak ada. So you get 8As does it really mean really deserve or is it to please the statistics of Kementrian Pendidikan Malaysia supaya setiap tahun adanya “peningkatan” dalam jumlah “pelajar cemerlang”?

What is a “pelajar cemerlang?”

If you ask the Malaysian education system..its those that excel academically and participate (or rather forced to) in extra curricular activities. Jadi to excel academically mest ada banyak A. mrsm spm 96Hahahaha i think this is a joke and the only thing system pendidikan Malaysia berjaya menghasilkan adalah pelajar yang book smart….without any real personal growth…but are they really that book smart pun? Getting an “A” today is not what it used to be.

Do most students really deserve their “As”?

Not at all! I rasa most are even surpised themselves when they get their results. And those yang really deserve their As are probably bengang coz how come people yang tak seberapa selama ini tiba2 dapat A. How do you distinguish the really excellent student from the good ones. How do you distinguish those that get 95/100 from 82/100? Yet kedua-duanya dapat A? Thats just wrong.

…those yang really deserve their As are probably bengang coz how come people yang tak seberapa selama ini tiba2 dapat A

spm mrsm dorm pengkalan chepa 96You may say…”biar lah….diorang tu belajar kuat dah”.I’m sure they do but biarlah getting an A tu be something special for very few that really deserve it. I used to be there jugak….sitting for my PMR and SPM….and I know that ramai (in my opinion) don’t deserve their A!

Where are we heading?

Sampai bila are we gonna see more and more kids getting 7, 8A. In Germany getting an A is absolutely susah giler. It should be here are well. Right now….UPSR and PMR exams are a joke..SPM is not too far behind…I don’t know what to make of the kids yg get straight A. It just doesn’t hold any value any more.

I don’t know what to make of the kids yg get straight A. It just doesn’t hold any value any more.

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