- Simple Malaysian Hosting

Hey all,

Today is the unofficial launch of - my Malaysian based web hosting company.
Yeah a lot of people don't actually know that I'm a huge IT/Web freak and this is a nice way to get won't necessarily find any info on me within in the site as I nak fokus on the products and services that we are offering.Read more

Feeling so blaaaa today (Oh TV Show)

today's just one of those days when you feel very blaaaaaaa- ish (i know its not a word tapi harap2 u all faham)

i pun tak tahu kenapa.....maybe coz today not very eventful and lots of not-so-fun stuff to do..paper work, bills, web stuff etc....i dunno la.

tidur ok kot although nami-nami (my kuching) notti I tell u..... asyik gigit me.... mana2 i pergi dia gigit ... gerak kaki sikit je ... terus attack! nasib baik dia comel. hosting another health TV show called Oh TV that is scheduled to be out around July (NTV7)....I'll try n take some behind-the-scenes pix for you all.

Darfur women describe gang-rape horror

Makes you bersyukur that we are living in a generally peaceful and civil country..... do read this:

KALMA, Sudan - The seven women pooled money to rent a donkey and cart, then ventured out of the refugee camp to gather firewood, hoping to sell it for cash to feed their families. Instead, they say, in a wooded area just a few hours walk away, they were gang-raped, beaten and robbed.
For full story Click Here.

Why no more health posts?

why the lack of health & fitness posts?

I should be honest here. After spending long hours writing my book, having a break from health & fitness writing is kinda nice :D.

I'll be back with health & fitness posts soon :D. Hang in there.


My tribute to Nadal!

I dedicate this post to one of my favorite athletes....Rafael Nadal! The guy is good la.

Just like other world class athletes, he possesses certain qualities that make him not only an awesome talent but also a role model.

This is something he is known for......he runs down every matter what the score line is....he has a never say die attitude that makes him so much fun to watch. Macam boxer :D

Despite being blessed with talents....he's constantly put himself in situation where he had to prove himself against much older and at time more experienced players. That experience makes him so damn seasoned at only age 20! (Federer is 25-26 i think)

Although he's a fighter on the court....he's am extremely nice chap of the course. I think thats important lah....respect for others and doesn't let the fame and success get to him...just like Federer and Tiger Woods jugak la. They do it for passion not for glamor :D

Although the guy has won 76 consecutive matches on clay...that doesn't make him complacent..he sticks to his guns and wants more.

I like the guy la! Nadal kicks buntuts :D hahahaha

Pics from my upcoming book

Yeah i've been terribly busy on finalizing sponsors, photography etc for my upcoming health & fitness book (the title i'll reveal some other day).
Trust me the hardest about my book was not writing it but dealing with 3rd parties like sponsors, photography and illustrators. Pening I tell you.
The next phase is planning all the promotional activities and launch. Should be an experience too.
Read more

Global Warming – What Can We Do?

Better yet - What are you willing to do!?

I don't do much (if anything...not much to do..) and am no environmentalist but I definitely appreciate our flora n fauna. What is happening to our environment...and the biggest question is - WILL THE EFFECTS OF GLOBAL WARMING GET BETTER OR WORSE?

Hmmm I personally would think that they can only get worse! Not in a couple of years but progressively laaa...why

- world population will only increase (unless something "major" happens la)
- need for electricity, cars, heat etc can only go up
- more tress and natural habitats will cease to exist
- world's biggest polluters (like the US) will need to cater the demand of its susah la to implement anything.
- no practical technologies exist yet to replace fossil fuels...yet la. Unless that changes memang susah I tell you.

All in all I rasa it will get a lot worse before it'll get better....another ICE AGE (ala cerita "Day after tomorrow") ? Probably not but then again nuttin's impossible.

Ask yourself this question - are you REALLY doing anything for global warming?
I'm not doing much kot.....
recycle? not really coz not real facilities here to recycle...kalau ada pun its no where near I live.
save on fuel (car pool?) - tak jugak
plant trees? - tak jugak....i stay in a condo

So what can I do? all i know is that my fuel, electricity bills are getting more n more.....

Do you care? "Gunman kills 32 in Virginia Tech rampage"

Sure we sympathize.....but people die daily in the middle east! Whenever there's a tragedy in the US, the world seems to stop but when 32 are slaughtered every day in IRAQ, Afghanistan or that normal...does anyone care? hmmmm....... I guess we all have our priorities.

Like it or not, the world can be a cruel cruel world.

Say Hi to Nami-Nami :)

Here are a pic of Nami-Nami, a little addition to my family.......
She's about 2 months old, half-persianbreed. Very manja I tell you, scared to be sorang-sorang, likes to nangis (hahahaha)...makan kena swap :D.... but is very comel.

Just wanted to share my experience and disappointment with Maxis' Home 3G Broadband.....
Dah lah mahal (about RM98/month) including modem n all but the connectivity is lousy at best! Macam biskut chipsmore.....kejap ada kejap tak dak! Sedih jugak lah....
Hope Maxis can resolve this.....if not...I'll be eagerly menunggu for WiMAX! :D

Here’s a question…

Why is it that are sooooo many people (and cars) at a car accident scene? Who are these people? Work shop people looking to "assist"? Friends? Gangsters (hahahaha)? On-lookers? Kepochees (probably mispelled that)?

Sometimes the kemalangan kecik je...but then there are like 10-15 cars lined up....these "idiots" are the ones that cause major havoc I tell u and jam..... whats up with that?

14, 15, 16....19A's....what for??

This is something I don't understand.....what is the need to have 15, 17 19A's?!? I tak faham lah.

What does it guarantee? Maybe some media coverage and a place in a university....but then I could just as easily get that with 9A.... so kenapa membunuh diri dengan cuba membawa 15+ subjects....what room does anyone have left for personal skills, etc? Sedih jugak lah..if all your youth is spent at home studying.

Does it guarantee you a successful career? Hell no....most of the time work has little to do with how well you can read books its a blend of soft and hard skills. We Malaysians focus sooo much attention on academics that our kids never have much room for personal developments and street smarts.....its sad. Americans are probably the opposite....sure they do focus on academics too but also ensure that students are able to grow creatively, socially as individuals. Our so called extracurricular activities are anything but lah..... most of the time they are not optional and just for cukup syarat.

Will she regret it someday? Don't know lah....some of my friends that used to be top students.....regret not having enjoyed their youth. Straight A's will get you the interview but whats going to land you the job is how you "sell" and present yourself....and that you can't learn from books....that's all about experience.....and for that you have to live life. Hiding behind books all your life ain't helping....

I seriously tak faham obsession Malaysia dengan cemerlangan akademik yang melampau. So next year we'll have someone have 20 maybe 22A's. Insyallah when I have kids someday...i would want them to have a balanced youth..a balance of fun and academics.

You only live once :D