Q&A - Panduan Pemakanan utk Weight Loss
hai, bro kevin i nk tnya ni.. skarang i tgh dalam proses diet dh 6 bulan.. saya tak mkn nasi just roti and sayuran jerk.. prubahan tu ada jugak dripada 100kg skrg 90kg... bleh bg tips2 nk diet tk? about pemakanan la...
Firstly, tahniah kerana berjaya mengurangkan berat from 100 to 90. Do note bahawa as you lose weight, ia akan menjadi lebih susah untuk teruskan progress. Read more
Apa dah jadi dengan amanah!?
One thing i memang tak suka is orang yang tidak pegang kepada amanah yang diberikan. really menysusahkan I tell you. why is it that people take responsibilities so easily tapi don't bother untuk melaksanakannya? if you rasa you cannot fulfill as task, its better for to just say "No, I can't do it".
Leceh I tell you! You may ask what happened? Hmmm to make a long story short. Someone was supposed to submit some work to my publisher. after delays on that persons part and asking for extensions..which we agreed to...now tiba2 hilangkan diri. Dunno what happened to him. And akhirnya, I have to stay up all night and clean someone else's mess. why because its my project and my responsibility to do the best job possible.
Thats life i guess. Good people are hard to find.
kevinzahri.com - down
sorry folks....accidently deleted my wordpress database :D nasib baik got back up. Not a great day. Bodoh jugakla
Q&A - Steroid Japs Malaysia utk Weight Gain? - Tidak!
Soalan on Steroids?
I just joined gym last september and the reult quite slow. Originally my weight was 56kg and my height 5' 6"(176cm) and now my weight is 1kg and sometime it varies up n down by 500grams.
How can i improve? I take hormon 1nce a week/ jap that suggested by my instructor.. is taht good enough?
Hope u'll advise me in addition i'm taking testosterone and tecca (dunt know the spelling) supplied by my instructor taken once a week. Steroid jap at d buttock.
Avoid Steroids!
Firstly I would strongly advice you against taking any hormone based japs/steroids in Malaysia or anywhere around the world. They are dangerous and not the answer. Weight gain is about 3 things:
- Nutrition: Tanpa makanan badan anda tidak bole membesar (tambah berat badan). Jadi, untuk weight gain, azreel firstly kena pastikan anda makan 5-7 kali sehari dengan makananan yang seimbang.
- Weight Training: Training mengangkat berat adalah perangsang kepada tumbesaran badan. Tanpa perangsang yang baik, otot tidak mempunyai sebab untuk ingin membesar. Kalau tiada perangsang, makanan berlebihan hanya disimpan sebagai lemak dan bukan sebagai otot baru. Melatih semata2 pun tak ke mana. Yang penting adalah quality latihan bukan quantity. Quality training not quantiti. Push yourself dengan tingkatkan beban tanpa hilang form. Rehat secukupnya selepas latihan. Makanan pre dan postworkout adalah a must.
- Supplements: Natural food or sports supplements are great sebab it gives you want you need. Tapi anda harus faham keperluan anda. Since your goal is weight gain, anda bole pertimbangkan.
- Calories: Weight gainers sesuai sekiranya kurang disiplin untuk makan. Kalau tak pun protein powders are essential.
- Tenaga: Creatine tingkatkan ATP (tenaga) output dengan semula jadi.
- Recovery: Glutamine baik untuk cepatkan proses pemulihan Selepas workout
Ingat sekali lagi, jauhkan diri daripada steroids. There is no shortcut…take your time tapi sayangkan diri!
Q&A - Camane nak kawal perut buncit?
Camane nak kawal perut buncit?
Firstly, memang there is no short cut but kenapa perut jadi buncit? kenapa bukan bahagian lain?
Q&A - Aktiviti selepas ligamen koyak dan sakit lutut
Saya najib dan sy ingin meminta pandangan dr kevin ttg senaman untuk menguatkan sendi. saya telah mengalami kecederaan yg agak serius akibat terjatuh. lutut kanan sy mengalami kecederaan hingga ligamen sy telah terputus dan sy perlu menjalani pembedahan untuk membentuk semula ligamen tersebut.tetapi disebabkan sy telah meninggalkan aktiviti sukan dalam jangkamasa yg lama, doktor menyarankan sy untuk mengguatkan semula otot disekitar lutut dengan membuat latihan/senaman bagi mempercepatkan proses penyembuhan setelah pembedahan ijalankan. walaubagaimanapun doktor tidak membenarkan saya menjalankan aktiviti fizikal yg berat seperti berlari/berbasikal dll.doktor menyarankan agar saya pergi ke gym dan berenang. tetapi saya tidak mengetahui jenis2 latihan fizikal yg sesuai untuk tujuan tersebut.diharap kevin dapat membantu saya denganmemberikan cadangan aktiviti yg boleh saya lakukan?
Firstly, apabila mengalami ligamen terputus, pastikan anda berhenti daripada aktivity yg membebankan lutut kanan anda. Once anda dapat "green light" daripada doktor untuk menguatkan balik lutut kanan anda, physiotherapy (ataupun fizikal terapi) its the best solution.
Physiotherapy melibatkan aktiviti/semanan fizikal to relieve pain, regain range of movement, memulihkan kekuatan otot and kembalikan anda to normal activities of daily living.
For me, I would do the following (for your knee recovery)
- mulakan dengan gerakan lutut/kaki anda throughout the entire motion. Pastikan there is no severe pain and gabungkan dengan slight stretching
- selepas itu, gunakan latihan tanpa beban seperi squats, lunges untuk terus menguatkan lutut. Slow jogging ataupun fast walking pun bole.
- over the weeks, kekuatan lutut anda patut kembali. di sini anda bole slowly meningkatkan weights untuk terus kuatkan lutut anda lagi.
- proses kembalikan kekuatan lutut (akibat ligamen koyak) mengambil masa yang lama...mungkin 4-6 bulan atau lebih. Make sure anda mula dengan perlahan dan peka terhadap reaksi lutut anda.
- selalu membuat check-up with your doktor to monitor your progress.
- pemakanan yang lengkap amat penting untuk membantu pembinaan semula otot & ligamen. So eat balanced dan kerap (5-6 kali sehari)
- supplement jointment seperti glucosamine monochondroitin sesuai untuk membantu proses pemulihan.
- be patient. ligamen tears take time to heal.
My kitchen was on Fire! (True Story)
Ever been in a fireball? hahaha...me neither. at least not til last friday. here's what happened
I headed back home after my routine workout @ Fitness First. Mula2 I was supposed to makan with my family but then they keluar. Since I was too lazy to stop somewhere to get food, i decided to just goreng some chicken wings (I know its not healthy but hey I lapar and its friday)...Read more
Whats goin on here?
Sure you all pelik how come this site keeps changing :D...I been toying around with different wordpress themes, plugins etc.....pening jugak. I think I'm finally settled on this theme (thanks to jsbox).
What's next?
- I gotta fine tine my very cool photo gallery
- Make sure the lighbox plugin works the way I want to. (click on the image..)
- customize this theme to suit me..
MaxHosting.com.my - Simple Malaysian Hosting
Hey all,
Today is the unofficial launch of MaxHosting.com.my - my Malaysian based web hosting company.
Yeah a lot of people don't actually know that I'm a huge IT/Web freak and this is a nice way to get started....you won't necessarily find any info on me within in the site as I nak fokus on the products and services that we are offering.Read more
Feeling so blaaaa today (Oh TV Show)
today's just one of those days when you feel very blaaaaaaa- ish (i know its not a word tapi harap2 u all faham)
i pun tak tahu kenapa.....maybe coz today not very eventful and lots of not-so-fun stuff to do..paper work, bills, web stuff etc....i dunno la.
tidur ok kot although nami-nami (my kuching) notti I tell u..... asyik gigit me.... mana2 i pergi dia gigit ... gerak kaki sikit je ... terus attack! nasib baik dia comel.
Ohhhhh...am hosting another health TV show called Oh TV that is scheduled to be out around July (NTV7)....I'll try n take some behind-the-scenes pix for you all.
Darfur women describe gang-rape horror
Makes you bersyukur that we are living in a generally peaceful and civil country..... do read this:
KALMA, Sudan - The seven women pooled money to rent a donkey and cart, then ventured out of the refugee camp to gather firewood, hoping to sell it for cash to feed their families. Instead, they say, in a wooded area just a few hours walk away, they were gang-raped, beaten and robbed.
For full story Click Here.
Why no more health posts?
why the lack of health & fitness posts?
I should be honest here. After spending long hours writing my book, having a break from health & fitness writing is kinda nice :D.
I'll be back with health & fitness posts soon :D. Hang in there.