Cikgu Fitness #1 Malaysia

I wanna lose weight…help me!

Q: I umur dah 29, female. My problem is i keep on gaining weight eventhough i…

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Talent = Success = Wealth ???

That’s the rock star dream: fame, money and fortune! How important is talent?…

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Horoscopes, Zodiac

What's my sign? I'm a Sagittarius. So based on this alone, I'm supposed to be:…

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Germany 2 : 0 Sweden – Podolski’s Da Man!

Das wird ja immer besser! Spitze! Finally the Germany I used to know is back.…

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World Cup Fever! Deutschland Deutschland

Oh yeah baby!!! Its world cup fever. Germany (Deutschland

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Grass is always Greener…..

Dear Friends, Apologies for not being able to update the blog as often as I…

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Fame? Please lah.

What is fame? Depends on who you talk to. If I ask my sister (who's not even…

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Parents: They are everything you are.

Having gone through 27+ plus year of my life, my perspectives on lots of things…

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Akademi Fantasia vs the Rest

Why is AF such a hot cake in town?! It's probably not only thanks to the…

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Malaysian’s Abroad

That is me in 1997. I was a Mechanical Engineering freshman at Northeastern…

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Malaysian Sports Development Shortcomings

"My Team" and Malaysian Sports? I was watching "My Team" on TV3 last night. It…

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Why does anyone wanna get 15A1?

Before I dwell on this little piece of writing, I should tell you about my own…

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