Cikgu Fitness #1 Malaysia

My 10 Quick First Date Tips

My Dating Game Since I don't need my game no more hahahahah, I'll give you a…

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Why Nice Guys Finish Last!

I'll give it to you straight up! Here's my view on why nice guys finish…

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My Photo Gallery

Since there has been sooo many requests for ya go! To visit my…

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How Someone Snatched 2 Phones Off Me!!!!

What a day lah!!!! Yesterday I had 2 phones, an O2 Mini and a spare Sony…

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Slimming/Toning Your Face!?

Question:How to have a beautiful shape of the face. i mean slim and look more…

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Stopped Gym For 3 months, how to start again?

Question:hi, can u tell me what should i do to maintain my muscle since i will…

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Jogging, Ramadhan, Fat Burners

Question: Asalamualaikum..Selamat Hari Raya,Saya ada beberapa kegusaran tentang…

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Getting Rid of Chest Fat

Question:kindly assist me to suggest what are the appropriate exercise to get…

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Selamat Hari Raya! (Without Digi)

Dear all! Selamat Hari Raya! Maaf Zahir & Batin! Bulan puasa came and went so…

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