Etika Maybank Health Talk Malaysia
January 14, 2011Corporate Wellness
Conducted a couple health talk programs with the high performing etika Maybank agents back in Dec. Each session was limited to some 10 people so that the session with me are nice and intimate.
The overall focus for some was to help them stay energized throughout the day as they need the energy to move back and forth to meet potential or existing clients.
Interested? Contact me today for fun and interactive corporate health talks.
Your Guide To Malaysian Slimming Centres
You can see their slimming ads daily in Malaysian newspapers and magazines. Often endorsing local celebrities. Slimming centres are especially popular among women looking to get into shape as fast as possible, often at any cost.
How does Slimming Work?
The programmes use a combination of health and fitness consultation and technology to help you get rid of fat, water, cellulite, toxins and others. What technologies? Well it varies according to the service provider but mainly involve:
- Ultrasound
- Infrared
- Laser/light/heat
- Suction & deep tissue massage
- Electric pads (vibration)
So what about those before and after pictures?
I’m sure you have come across ads for fat-loss products that draw you in with unbelievably striking “before & after” pictures. Are these too good to be true? Hmmm…it depends on how you look at it. Yes, the transformations are probably real but, No, its not entirely due to the advertised Malaysian slimming centre!
Read the fine print. This is a typical marketing trick knowing that people will automatically focus on the large pictures and are usually too possessed to read the fine print. What does it say? Usually something like this:
“The results achieved by these test subjects are extra ordinary. Use as directed with a sensible nutrition and training program. Test subjects used this product in conjunction with a diet and exercise program. These results are not typical.”
The results are always due to a combination of training, nutrition and yes, the supplement (in that order). The slimming treatment is always the 3rd contributing factor. They alone don’t work magic and need to be complimented with proper nutrition and training.
Are Malaysian Slimming Centres Worth It?
Depends! I’m not a believer in lying on a chair to have electric pads shock my muscles for stimulation. No matter how pleasant the ads may look, trust me it’s not!
Yes. Just like hiring a personal trainer, it all depends on how much money you have to spend. If money is no object, then the guidance and products slimming centres provide will help you make progress. But then again, are you going to depend on slimming centres or personal trainers all your life?
But then again, are you going to depend on slimming centres or personal trainers all your life?
Final Verdict?
There is no harm in checking them out but whatever you decide to do, do it for education and not merely for a short-term fix. It’s like this: say you sign up for a slimming centre package and make some progress, what then? If you don’t make permanent changes, you’ll right back where you were minus the money you spent.
No. If you have no control over your diet and exercise and merely hope for a miracle slimming treatment than you are in for some sad news. No slimming procedure in Malaysia or the world can magically change your life. Even if you do lose a weight pounds or inches, what do you do when the treatment program is over? Ultimately, you don't want your life and health to depend on a commercial entity.
Ultimately, you don't want your life and health to depend on a commercial entity.
If you are going to give a slimming centre a go, do it for education and maybe for the experience. In order for you to have control over your fitness and weight, you need to be in control, not a consultant/personal trainer or a machine. Worst case scenario, you spent RM1,000 on several treatment and don't lose any weight or inches. At least you can walk away knowing that it did nothing for you.
At least you can walk away knowing that it did nothing for you.
Betul atau tidak: Otot membesar sewaktu angkat berat di gym?
Tidak! Otot sebenarnya membesar sewaktu rehat.
Sessi senaman di gym merupakan perangsang untuk pembesaran otot tetapi ia perlu direhatkan selepas itu. Latihan mengangkat berat menyebabkan koyakan microskopik kepada otot yang dilatih.
Otot itu perlu direhatkan untuk membolehkan badan membaiki dan sekaligus membesarkan (menguatkan) otot berkenaan. Proses ini mengambil masa lebih kurang 48-72 jam. Oleh kerana itu, anda diggalakan untuk menunggu paling kurang 48-72 jam sebelum melatih otot yang sama sekali lagi.
Tanpa rehat antara sessi ini, usaha anda agak sia-sia.
Rehat Bermusim
Bagi atlit dan pengunjung kerap gym seperti Krishnan, sendi, tulang dan otot anda banyak melalui wear & tear yang tidak dapat dibaiki dalam sehari-dua. The only way to allow your body to fully recuperate, adalah dengan menjadualkan rehat bermusim setiap 3-5 bulan. Berapa lama anda harus rehat? Saya syorkan 1-2 minggu. Dalam period tersebut, anda harus rehat sepenuhnya untuk membolehkan badan anda recover sepenuhnya. Rehat bermusim ini juga bertujuan untuk refuel your mental enthusiasm. Lama-kelamaan, semua orang jemu melatih week in and week out, jadi rehat bermusin ini sesuai untuk rehatkan diri anda dari segi fizikal & rohani.
Takut rehat ini akan merosotkan perkembangan anda?
Mungkin anda akan kehilangan sedikit performance atau kekuatan sewaktu rehat bermusim, tetapi ia hanya sementara dan cepat kembali apabila anda mulakan training semula. Ia umpama stock market yang mempunyai kitaran atas & bawah (up & down cycle).
Anda terlalu kurus and ingin menambah berat badan?
Dapat panduan ebook terbaru saya: Panduan menambah 5kg dalam 10 minggu untuk hanya RM20.
Remember: yang penting adalah kualiti dan bukan kuantiti senaman. Untuk panduan menambah otot dan berat, sila rujuk kepada ebook saya Panduan Menambah 5kg Dalam 10 Minggu
Azam Fitness 2011? 5 Sebab ramai tidak mencapainya?
Probably ramai pembaca blog saya mempunyai azam tahun baru untuk fitness dan kesihatan anda….for most it its..”tahun ini saya nak cuba kurangkan lemak pada perut dan peha” atau “this is the year where I will be fit and nbe serious about my health” dan macam-macam lagi.
Tapi, kenapa ramai yang gagal dalam usaha mereka untuk merealisasikan azam tahun baru? Biar saya terangkan:
5 Sebab Ramai Gagal Mencapai Azam Fitness 2011
- Kita tidak sukakan perubahan: Tiada siapa yang sukakan perubahan- contohnya menukar sarapan lazat yang telah anda nikmati selama bertahun-tahun. Its hard to break habits…lagi2 if we are perubahan yang drastik kepada cara pemakanan dan gaya hidup. Some of us may be able to bear the changes untuk jangka masa pendek..tetapi gagal over time kerana bosan.
My advice? Lakukan perubahan dengan perlahan-lahan or make changes one at a time. As you adjust to those changes, continue on making changes. Yang penting adalah progress dan perubahan untuk jangka masa panjang. - Tiada kesabaran: Kita semua inginkan results yang cepat…..tetapi ingat! Mungkin it has taken you 12 years untuk menambahkan berat badan anda, so sekarang tiba-tiba nak perbubahan dalam masa 12 minggu? Ini tidak praktikal sama sekali.My advice? Sabar lah wahai manusia ku..hahahah…..bukan tak boleh melakukannya dalam 12 minggu tetapi kebanyakkan daripada kita semua tidak mempunyai disiplin dan know-now untuk menjayakannya. Jika anda berjaya sekali pun, macamane dengan amalan pemakanan dan senaman selepas itu. Take your time…you have an entire lifetime to make it happen.
- Matlamat tidak realistik: Ini berpunca kerana terlalu banyak menonton TV atau muka depan sesebuah majalah. Ramai yang ingin kelihatan menarik seperti model. Adakah ini munasabah ? Tentu sekali, Cuma ia akan mengambil masa.My advice? Be practical. Carilah matlamant yang serasi dengan kehidupan, umur dan gaya hidup anda. Also mulakan dengan matlamat sederhana, reach those targets dan teruskan usaha anda.
- Tiada panduan: Sama seperti memandu dalam gelap tanpa peta ( panduan ), Hanya menyerah kepada nasib untuk mencapai matlamat anda.My advice? Anda memerlukan panduan. Kalau tiada ahli keluarga atau kwan yang sesuai, dapatkan panduan daripada orang yang berkelayakkan. People like me, can help you analyze your current lifestyle dan tentukan matlamat yang munasabah.
- Kurang pengetahuan:Ini lebih kurang sama dengan “tiada panduan”. You need know how untuk mengawal “nasib” berat badan dan kesihatan anda. Its not about luck. Sesetengah orang menunjungi gim hari2 tetapiu masih gagal dalam usaha mereka untuk mencapai azam mereka. Why? Sebab tiada know-how dan melakukan perkara di gim yang bercanggah dengan matlamat mereka.My advice? Get some reference guide and know-how. Dapatkan eBook panduan kurangkan mahupun penambahan berat badan dari saya. Knowledge is power.
A Letter For Rafael Zahri
Dear Rafael Zahri,
After 9 months of waiting, yesterday finally marked a miracle for your mummy and I. It was the day we finally got to see, hold and cuddle you in our arms. Some day you will grow up so I am writing this letter to remind you of your humble beginnings in the arms of your parents.
Bali - Your Beginning
You were conceived while mummy and I were on our honeymoon in Bali. I shall spare you the details but it all happened during our stay at The Hill Villas, Nusa Dua. From there, you were always with us.
The next nine-month
Mummy's pregnancy was not too bad. She didn't have any particular cravings or morning sickness. We kept reminding ourselves that although we couldn't see you, you were already part of our family. Everywhere we went, you were already right there with us. Over 8month, mummy provided you with your first home .. her tummy :)
How was your delivery?
On the 20th of Dec, your doctor (Dr. Aziz) told us that your head has locked (this is a good thing) and that you are ready to meet us! We were so excited ... and a couple of days later, mummy got admitted around 4 pm on the 21st Dec at Prince Court Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur. After a night of contractions for mummy, around 8 am the following day, mummy's water broke and we were on an "exciting" 8-hour journey until mummy dilation finally reached that 10cm mark. I was of course always by her side.
Around 4 pm on the 22nd, the real action began. Mummy was pushing, contracting to push you in her arms. After some 40 rounds of puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuushing, at exactly 16:16, we saw Dr. Aziz literally pull you into this world, and with a sharp cry of your voice .... mummy and daddy looked at each other. We knew our little angel finally arrived. Your mum, as soft and loving as she is, shed tears of joy while I was holding back mine. I wanted to make a strong and good first impression. I even bought new clothes, shoes, and everything. All for you. Lil Rafa!
Your mum, as soft and loving as she is, shed tears of joy while I was holding back mine.
First impressions!?
From the start, although messy, you were a little cutie pie. Mummy calls you bubba. I prefer Rafa. You are named after my idol - Rafael Nadal. Initially, I proposed Rafael Nadal Zahri but we settled for a simpler Rafael Zahri. I hope you like your name.
As you can see from the pictures, you came out looking a little pale, even purplish but that's normal. Everyone was there to see you on your first day in this crazy world. Opa, Jeddah, Omi, Opi, Aunty Nails, Aunty Aminan, Papa Di, and Aunty Nini .... even your great gran Tok came from PJ to see you.
Our promise to you
Your mummy and I are so in love with you and of course, we are the proudest parents in the world. We have great hopes and expectations for you but will always be there to support your dreams, providing for you and your future. We will listen, give advice, and when needed, we will do what's necessary to keep you in line.
There will be time when you don't understand us or merajuk but never forget that from this moment onwards every decision we make will evolve around you. You are our priority. You are what makes us a family!
But remember...
Our son, always remembers to be respectful and polite to people around you. Never forget the sacrifices your mum has endured to bring you into this world. Remember to be a humble and responsible man. No matter how high you reach up for the sky, always keep your feet firmly grounded.
Never forget your roots, your family. Without family, life is meaningless. You are a Muslim and with that comes responsibilities but I am sure with time you will figure life out.
Lots of love and thank you for having your mummy and me be part of your world.
Your Papa
Biggest Loser Asia: Can you follow their weight loss success?
A lot of people have been emailing me asking if they can follow the routine and weight loss success of contestant on the popular Biggest Loser. Well YES and NO.
Yes! Why you can follow their success
Ok here is the good news. Contestants on the show lose weight the correct and healthy way. Their entire weight loss is build around proper nutrition and exercise. You can definitely apply those principles in your own life but when you do, do it for the long term.
No! 3 Reasons why you can't?
Well it is not that you can't follow but you can't expect the same results. Why not? Well your lifestyle and daily routines are not the same. You have a job, family and other responsibilities that the contestants leave behind for as long as 12 weeks.
Well your lifestyle and daily routines are not the same as that of the contestants. You have a job, family and other responsibilities that the contestants leave behind for as long as 12 weeks.
You do not have the luxury to commit 24 hours of your day to train, exercise and do all the things the show offers its contestants. You also don't have a chef or cook who you can ensure that you are getting the right nutrition all the times. Lastly, unless you hire a full time trainer, you don't have a coach or trainer to push, guide and train you daily!
So should you follow the Biggest Loser TV for weight loss success?
Well of course you can follow their nutritional and fitness program but I am not really a fan of the word "follow". I don't advice anyone to merely follow any show, product or person. You should understand basic nutrition and exercise. Learn and how your needs, set goals and ultimately gain control over your health. I think the show is great so showcase individual success stories that inspire and motivate a lot of people! It shows those you are obese that there is hope.
Trust me when I say that gaining control is absolutely vital in managing your weight. The only way to take control is through knowledge and experience. That said, 99% of the time your results will not be as dramatic as the contestants on the Biggest Loser. But that is ok.
So set yourself realistic goals based on your ability to allocate time etc. Whatever you do, make it a lifetime commitment and not merely a 12 weeks crash course.
Perodua Health Talk, Core Training and Aerobics
December 15, 2010Corporate Wellness,News & Events
A full day health talk, core training demo and aerobics session with Perodua employees at their HQ in Rawang, Selangor Malaysia. I was assited by Emily Tan and her team to demonstrate the core training portion and to lead the aerobics session.
The objective was mainly to help some of their employee cope with weight management, stress and also lower back problems as their work requires a lot of standing and physical work.
Interested in a similar program for your organization? Visit my corporate wellness programs or download my brochure here.
Perodua Health Day Video Aerobics
Perodua Health Day Pictures
Interested in a similar program for your organization? Visit my corporate wellness programs or download my brochure here.
UPM Health Talk and Aerobics with Kevin Zahri
December 15, 2010Corporate Wellness,News & Events
A full day health and fitness program conducted by Kevin Zahri for over 400 faculty and employees of University Putra Malaysia at Serdang, Malaysia. It was a full day program/seminar which ended with an aerobics session in the afternoon.
New eBook: How to Gain 5kg in 10 Weeks
December 14, 2010News & Events,Weight Loss
Dear all,
After the success of my weight loss eBook, I am excited to release a eBook that focuses entirely on weight and muscle gain! But wait, is there a difference between muscle and weight gain? Absolutely.
But is weight gain really that difficult?
Well depends on who you ask but for those you are skinny and hoping to gain weight are quick to tell you that they have tried everything. From appeton weight gain, exercise and food but it just does not stick!.
Thats exactly where is eBook comes in. It helps you make sense of various misconceptions, providing you with step by step instructions to help you gain 5kg in 10 weeks.
10 Reasons you are NOT gaining weight.
Weight gain is not too difficult but most people who have tried and failed do not understand how weight gain happens. There is more to weight gain than eating. Weight training alone also won't do the trick and of course there is no such thing as a magic pill.
In the beginning of my ebook, I highlight various reasons why you may not be gaining weight. I also address the difference between muscle and weight gain. One of the most important steps in helping you gain weight is to understand how it happens in the first place.
Ask yourself - do you know how to gain 1kg? Probably not. Let alone 5kg over 10 weeks. You need this eBook and after reading is you will be in full control of your life, health and most importantly your weight! Get your copy today!
eBook Features
Like all my other ebooks, this eBook has been carefully written and designed so that you can easily follow the instructions and steps.
- Complete weight gain diet plan based on the Malaysian lifestyle.
- 10 week fitness program and individual exercises.
- 70 excel spreadsheet weight gain planner to help you track your results.
- Review of various weight gain supplements to see if they work for you.
- and lots more
5 Mitos Fitness
Originally written for
Banyak pantang larang atau mitos mengenai makanan dan latihan ini. Makanlah yang ini, yang itu tak boleh, jangan buat itu, kena buat macam ni dan macam-macam lagi. Saya senaraikan 5 mitos yang paling selalu kita dengar:
Mitos 1 : Jangan Makan Kalau Nak Kurangkan Berat
Realiti: Benar, tapi ada tapinya. Tidak makan bermakna kurang kalori. Kurang kalori boleh menurunkan berat badan. Tetapi, ia akan menurunkan paras metabolisma dan tenaga dalam tubuh, menyebabkan otot tidak berkembang. Ia akan memberi masalah kepada kesihatan anda. Uruskan atau seimbangkan kalori mengikut 'bajet' anda.
Mitos 2 : Bila Semakin Tua, Otot Bertukar Menjadi Lemak
Realiti: Otot dan lemak adalah dua jenis tisu badan yang berbeza. Otot tidak boleh bertukar menjadi lemak. Begitu juga sebaliknya. Mitos ini sering dikaitkan dengan ahli sukan yang menjadi gemuk apabila sudah bersara. Mereka gemuk bukan sebab usia, tetapi tidak berlatih seperti waktu aktif. Ada juga yang tidak mengawal makanan mereka.
Kurang bersenam akan mengecutkan otot – malahan mengurangkan kadar bakaran tenaga dalam tubuh. Ditambah pula tiada latihan, tiada pembakaran kalori. Mereka akan menjadi gemuk. Tetapi, ini tidak bermakna otot anda bertukar menjadi lemak. Ini isu lain. Tidak semestinya anda akan gemuk apabila berhenti berlatih. Anda cuma perlu kurangkan penggunaan kalori. (Apa yang paling baik ialah amalkan makanan seimbang dan bersenam.)
Mitos 3 : Saya Hanya Perlukan Aerobik Sahaja
Realiti: Jika anda gabungkan latihan berat dengan aerobik atau kardio, kesan kehilangan lemak menjadi tiga kali ganda daripada senaman aerobik semata-mata.
Aerobik sangat baik untuk ketahanan kardiovaskular, tetapi ia mengurangkan kepaduan otot dan kepadatan rangka tulang sebelah atas tubuh. Otot menggunakan bahan bakar yang disimpan dalam otot. 1 kg otot menggunakan bahan bakar sama seperti kita berlari 1 km setiap hari. Selepas berumur 35 tahun, mereka yang tidak aktif akan hilang 250 g otot setahun dan menambah 700 g lemak. Latihan berat akan melambatkan proses penuaan.
Mitos 4 : Semua Lemak Memudaratkan
Realiti: Jom fikirkan. Apabila banyak lemak boleh membawa kepada obesiti dan mengundang banyak penyakit. Tetapi, tubuh juga memerlukan lemak. Ia melambatkan proses penuaan dan menangani masalah kelaparan dalam jangka masa yang lama berbanding dengan karbohidrat. Apa yang penting ialah anda harus kenal lemak 'baik' dan lemak 'jahat'. Anda harus faham bahawa lemak juga satu makronutrien penting (sejumlah 15% lemak diperlukan dalam pengambilan kalori harian anda).
Mitos 5 : Untuk membina tubuh langsing, perlu berlatih beberapa jam sehari
Realiti: Jangka masa latihan sebenar sepatutnya tidak melebihi sejam. Walaupun perlu bersosial, ada baiknya jangan buang masa berbual waktu di gim atau minum di lounge. Untuk senaman, yang penting adalah kualiti senaman dan bukannya kuantiti. Contoh macam saya, akan hanya ke gym 1-2 kali seminggu tetapi setiap kali saya pergi, sudah pasti masa itu penuh dgn senaman berkualiti!
Ingin kurangkan berat badan dengan cepat dan selamat? Rujuk kepada eBook Kurangkan 5kg Dalam 5 Minggu.
Video: Panduan Kurangkan 5kg Dalam 5 Minggu
December 7, 2010Weight Loss,Video
Berikut adalah video introduction kepada eBook kurangkan 5kg dalam 5 Minggu. Dalam video ini saya kongsi perbezaan antara keinginan dan pengetahuan untuk kurangkan berat badan.
Video: 16.8 Juta Rakyat Malaysia Negara Orang Gemuk?
November 18, 2010Weight Loss,Video
I bumped across Kosmo newspaper (16th Nov) issue and noticed the front page headlines that read "Malaysia negara orang gemuk" ... which caught my attention. Basically the article quoting statement made my our Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia minister -Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai. He bascially mentioned how 16.8 million Malaysians are suffering from "kegemukkan" and from these 8.4 are categorized as obsese.
Ok, since I have been involved in the local health and wellness industry for many years, I wanted to share my experience.
Watch the video or read on below...
Benarkah 16.8 juta rakyat Malaysia gemuk?
Probably, tetapi itu bukanlah satu kejutan. Obesiti atau masalah berat badan adalah masalah sedunia.
Tiga Punca masalah berat badan di Malaysia
Yang pasti, terdapat banyak faktor yang menyebabkan 8.4 juta rakyat Malaysia dikategorikan sebagai obese. Gaya hidup, pemakanan, kehidupan yang too good dll. But itu masalah semua orang tidak kira samada di Malaysia, Jerman mahupun Amerika Syarikat .... so lets look at three main reasons yang saya ingin berkongsi bersama anda:
- 1.
Tiada Know-How. Saya rasa tidak perlu untuk mengingatkan semula orang ramai untuk kepentingan menjaga berat badan kerana itu everyone knows. Kesederan itu sudah ada pada semua orang. Tetapi kesedaran tanpa know-how or ilmu penjagaan berat badan, usaha itu sia-sia. Kalau orang ramai di Kuala Lumpur mahupun di laur bandar tentang keperluan kalori seharian masing-masing, saya rasa 90% have no clue. Jadi kalau asas pengetahuan itu tiada, memang almost impossible untuk mengawal berat badan. Tapi salah siapa? Adalah salah KKM? Not at all! Ia adalah salah diri sendiri. Penjagaan kesihatan adalah tanggungjawap masing-masing. Tidak perlu bergantung kepada sesiapa!
- 2.
Matlamat weight loss tidak realistik. Ini masalah kerap kepada mereka yang beratnya telah mengingkat over time ... mungkin berat badan naik sebanyak 10kg dalam 10tahun. Itu kadar yang amat perlahan. But apabila seseorang itu ingin kurangkan bersat pula ....jarang ada yang nak tunggu 10 tahun .... everyone nak kurangkan dengan cepat! Kalau boleh 10kg dalam 10-12minggu. Soalannya bole ke? Bolehkah seseorang kurangkan berat badan dengan cepat? Jawapan mudah: YES but kebanyakkan orang tidak menpunyai know-how dan disiplin untuk menjayakannya ... jadi mereka cepat putus asa dan serahkan berat badan kepada takdir!
- 3.
Suka bergantung kepada pihak ketiga. Orang ramai di Malaysia are in love dengan impian kuruskan badan dengan cepat melalui produk-produk komersial seperii slimming centers, gelang tangan, supplemen dan jurulatih peribadi. Again di sini, Malaysians inginkan jalan mudah dan cepat tertipu dengan kata2 pemasaran seperti gambar2 "before and after". Kenapa tertipu? Ahhhh itu anda bole rujuk kepada video di atas. Yang pasti, tanpa pemakanan asas yang betul, senaman yang consistent dan perancangan masa panjang, no produk or slimming center akan dapat menyelesaikan masalah 16.8juta rakyat Malaysia yang kegemukan.
Perlukan panduan: Dapatkan ebook Panduan Kurangkan 5kg Dalam 5 Minggu untuk hanya RM20.
So camane nak atasi masalah kegemukan?
For me there is only 1 solution yang akan menjanjikan hasil jangka masa panjang yang diingini. Individu perlukan ilmu asas tentang pemakanan dan cara mengurangkan berat badan yang kukuh. Dengan adanya asas yang kukuh ini, pengguna akan dapat mengawal pemakanan yang membuat penukaran gaya hidup yang permanent. Jangan fikir nak kurus cepat. Yang penting individu has contol. Kawalan perlu ada dalam dengan siri sendiri dan bukan pada tempoh program slimming mahupun adanya stok bekalan supplement mana2. Also dengan adanya know-how ini, pengguna tidak cepat tertipu dengan kata2 manis produk-produk komersial. Pemakanan dan senaman perlukan kualiti ... tapi thats only possible dengan adanya know-how.
Well KKM also patut memainkan peranan dalam mengawal teknik-teknik pemasaran supaya message dan carany tidak menipu pengguna.
Salah diri sendiri.
End of the day kurangkan berat badan bukanlah suatu perkara yang susah. Tapi kalau diabaikan ilmu itu, than sememangnya ia adalah salah diri sendiri. So, 16.8 juta rakyat Malaysia perlu take it into their own hands untuk mengubah masa depan. That is the only way. Just do it!