Whats Up? Vaio Laptop Kong, Raya, Avi Spa, Health Portal

Hey everyone. Hope that you all are enjoying your hari raya open houses and hey, deepavalli is just around the corner. I’ve been super busy dalam 2-3 minggu lepas.

Here are some quick bit of whats been happenin in my life.

  • No Laptop: Oh yes…my freakin Vaio laptop buat hal…had to hantar for service so now guna my desktop yg penuh habuk. Hopefully minggu depan dapat it back.
  • Health Portal: Well its not really a health portal but more of a portal pemakanan. Been busy working with the team to get it up and running so that semua pembaca dan orang ramai dapat menggunakanya dengan mudah dan percuma. Hopefully should launch dalam seminggu dua kot. Oh yeah…its call Cekodok.com
  • Spa Launch: Was invited to MC the launch of an awesome SPA at Avillion Port Dickson. It’s called Avi Spa. Probably the most relaxing day since raya for me hahaha. Will post up pics if and when I get them.
  • Raya! Ahhhhh yes. Jangan lupa hari raya pulak hahah. This year my raya has been pretty quiet. Mainly coz I’ve been extra super busy that tak sempat nak pergi all da open houses.

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