Weight Loss Magic? Slimming Centers, Ab Gadgets, Fat Burners
Weight Loss or “Waaaay Lost”?
I was reading theStar paper today. They had a health special or they call it “Body, Mind and Soul”. Obviously the special is largely based on advertising from sponsors, I would like to give you my insight into some of the current weight loss trends, especially here in Malaysia. Here I’ll discuss:
- Slimming Centers
- Fat Loss Products
- Ab Gadgets
Slimming Centers
…from a consumer point of view, if the ambassadors looks “not so thin”, how does that speak for the company!?…
They are huuuuge here in Malaysia and Asia. Why? Well they cost a lot and people think the more money you spend the better the results will be. Plus you surrender yourself to “experts” so that should be comforting, right? Not quite la.
I was looking at the SlimWorld ad which features Ziana Zain and Amy Mastura as their clients (cum Ambassadors). Now, from a consumer point of view, if the ambassadors looks “not so thin”, how does that speak for the company!? The point here is that it’s not even easy for the ambassadors to lose weight. Even though they get free products/packages. Think about it.
My Verdict?If you have the money, sure give it a go but DO NOT surrender yourself to their services! Do it for education so that you can learn from the experience and apply it throughout your life. Not just for the sessions that you enroll. Slimming Centers are businesses that will want you to come back for more (same goes for personal trainers). Hence they never tell you everything you need to know, unless you ask.
Fat Burners
…You must be joking lah! How can a company, like XFAT claim that one or two pills will balance your unhealthy lifestyle? …
I won’t say too much here as I have posted on fat burners before but let me comment on the XFAT ad on page 6. Its says “Simply take one or two capsules with a glass of water before you meal to balance your unhealthy lifestyle”. You must be joking lah. How can a company, like XFAT claim that one or two pills will balance your unhealthy lifestyle?
Again, just like with the SlimWorld ambassadors, looking at the picture of Xando XFST inventor, Professor Emeritus Marcin Krotkiewski doesn’t look all that fat free himself. If it doesn’t work for him, why would it work magic for anyone else.
My Verdict?There is no shortcut to balance your health. There is not shortcut to burn fat. Yes, fat burners do work but not like people wish they would. Don’t get tricked by the before and after pictures. Read the fine print. Yes, all fat burners do work based on science but I would only recommend them if you have control of your diet and exercise.
Abs Gadgets
Don’t we love these gadgets!? Everyone wants to know the scerets to beautiful abs. There are countless of abs invention on the market. Including the Quantum Global’s Back and Abs (page 2) Two simple reasons why:
- 1.
People are obsessed with wanting washboard abs. So any new gadget sparks new hope into us. I repeat: Hope…not success.
- 2.
They don’t work! well at least not the way you think they do. With that, we keep getting new inventions that promise results or to be revolutionary.
…You can do as many abs exercises as you like but believe me, as long as you have fat covering your abs muscles, no gadget will “trim your waistline”….
My Verdict? Quantum’s Back and Abs claims to “improve blood circulation, trim your waistline and redefine your body….”. Well let me tell you this: You can do as many abs exercises as you like but believe me, as long as you have fat covering your abs muscles, no gadget will “trim your waistline”. You can’t spot reduce fat.. Its all about getting rid of the layer of fat…and that you do by creating a calorie deficit through cardiovascular exercise or a decent diet.
Jadi camane nak kurangkan berat badan (how to lose weight?)
Well there sure is now shortcut but here are some tips to kurangkan berat badan or tips for helping you lose weight.
Book Fitness 24/7(malay edisi)berminat utk mendapatkannyee ,book store kat klcc, mph wangsa maju dah cari tapi … semua kata x deee dng dah habiss… yg tinggal english edisi… dah try onlinee tapi banyak pulakk problemm..
So mcm nak buatt ni.. boleh bg mana area book store in klumpur yg ade (malay edisi)
the other day i pegi ampang point@ampang, popular, i ada nampak both edition. u pegi kinokuniya or times? coz i ada gak nampak malay edition kat situ last i went there :). have you tried times square (borders), pavillion (times) or the curve?
or u can just order from kevin’s store…can get that xclusive signa 🙂
some people wants to gain weights..
nice blog ..
Salam Kevin,
This is the best and very honest article you have written so far. I completely concur with you. BTW, I plan to buy some simple machines for cardiovascular exercises to keep at home so I can work out at the comfort of my room. I went to Fitness Concept and Abbi Fitness in Midvalley. I saw some items within my budget range (RM600 and below) – a small bicycle, a stepper, the gym ball, dumbbells. Can you recommend me what machines/items, within my budget, I can buy to do simple exercises at home? I’ll have to say your book is a must to to understand how fitness works. 🙂
hello kevin!..how r u? am ur fan from south area..lol!..b4 this am fat boy & i reduce my weight slowly n i glad i can do it..but, i have a problem that my muscle too flabby,can u suggest me any product or any exercise that may help to solve my problem.2nd thing is, i heard a product call Kimi growtaller,am short!ahah!.. my weight around 68 n my height is 167cm,it that problem can overcome my problem coz i heard another product from ubattinggi.enetmyne.net also the same product but it in capsule,i dont like to eat something that am not sure the ingredient is,thx.. hope u can reply it through my email..thx again! =)
I like the way you write! Nice blog.
Hey Kevin,
Great post & advice! Consumers need to be better educated and make well informed decisions
same question as iskandar about ubattinggi..can u email me ASAP..
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[…] Well there sure is now shortcut but here are some tips to kurangkan berat badan or tips for helping you lose weight. […]