Fit with Mika
Hi everyone,
I did my own LIVE Fit with Mika the other day. It was a lot of fun. When I do workouts I feel sweaty and, strong and tired. When people I know and they look at me on Instagram and, Facebook I feel happy, and, proud. Sometimes my dad shows me a paper and it could say speak louder or good job whatever he says I do it.
The first time I was nervous but my dad was there for me to cheer me up .
Cara berlari dalam rumah yang sempit
Ramai yang message kebelakangan ini dengan masalah “shin splits” dan lain-lain hasil dari larian indoor. Berikut adalah beberapa tip dan cara untuk bantu anda berlari dalam rumah yang sempit dengan lebih selamat.
- Preferably wear training shoes
- Elak pertukaran arah yang drastik
- Tukar arah perlahan-lahan
- Tegakkan badan
- Small steps/strides
- Figure-of-8 atau longer turns
- Balance left n right turns
- Tak boleh lari? Buat cardio lain.
- Tak berbaloi cedera demi 1x senaman.
- If all fails, lari setempat
- ENJOY n know your limits
Is lifting weights for ladies going to make you bulky?
April 15, 2020Weight Loss,Video
The BEST Workouts of my life
My daughter and I have been hosting LIVE HomeWorkouts on Instagram and Facebook due to the movement control order jn Malaysia due to Covid19. Many years from now, I will look back and remember these being the BEST workouts of my LIFE.
“When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine”
#Showbiz: MCO not an excuse to be inactive, says Kevin Zahri
KUALA LUMPUR: Being confined at home is no reason for people not to perform physical activities like exercising which helps optimise health and keep the weight down.
According to TV host and celebrity fitness coach Kevin Zahri, there are various exercise routines which one can perform from the comfort of one’s living room.
“We should not use MCO as an excuse to stay in bed or watch TV the whole day. Being inactive could even lead to other health concerns such as being overweight and stress," he said in an Instagram posting recently.
In fact, in order to help raise awareness on the importance of keeping active during the MCO, the 42-year-old who is also the founder of Malaysia’s largest weight loss movement called Jom Kurus, started a 30-minute Live Home Workout session, which can be followed live at 10am via his IG and Facebook accounts.
In some of the videos, Kevin is also seen doing workouts with his children, showing that besides keeping one's health in check, people can also use the exercise session to bond with their family members.
Kevin's exercise videos have received overwhelming response from his followers in Singapore, Brunei and the United States.
The fitness coach who is also an award winning US certified personal trainer and nutritionist with over 15 years experience reminds everyone to watch his or her diet during this stay-at-home period.
Sime Darby Oil NATRIÉO (Vitamin E) Giveaway Contest
Salam and hi semua ....
Watch the video to find out how you can win yourself 1x NATRIÉO bottle worth RM89.90
I would like to highlight a unique product from Sime Darby Oils (SDO). As you may know, SDO is a division of Sime Darby Plantation Bhd. (SDP), the world’s largest producer of Certified Sustainable Palm Oil, which means their quality is world’s best and every touchpoint, meets and exceeds the highest quality and safety standards.
What I would like to share today is that they also produce NATRIÉO, a health supplement rich in Vitamin E (Tocotrienols), which presents great health benefits such as protection against stroke, cardiovascular diseases, dementia and fatty liver disease. It is 100% natural as it contains palm fruits extracts, and adding Tocotrienols as part of your supplement regime with Vitamin C can help boost your immune system, which is all the more important today.
Not to mention, children as young as 12 years old can also consume NATRIÉO and most importantly, it is Halal and approved by Ministry of Health Malaysia.
You are able to get Natrieo online, delivered to you within 3 working days. For more info, check out
Fit with Mika - LIVE Home Workout
7 year old Mika did her first LIVE Home Workout on Instagram and Facebook this morning. Her full body routine was:
- Jumping Jacks
- Bear Crawl
- Up & Down Planks
- Push Up Taps
- Crab Toe Touches
- Shuffle
- Worms
- Toe Touches
Notes: 40 seconds per exercise with 20 second rest between exercises. Total of 3 rounds.
Super proud of Mika. She did an amazing job. Thank you for all the kind comments and support.
8 April 2020: Covid-19 Live Home Workout Schedule
Amazing support from over 18 of the best fitness trainers and celebrities from all over Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand who are contributing their time to bring daily live home workouts to everyone who is effected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
- 8am - CoreHIIT @cruzfitnesskinabalu
- 9am - Mintak Ampun HIIT @haslindaalifitfab
- 10am - Flat belly workout @nur_mashitoh_mukhtar
- 10am - Strength @kevinzahri
- 11am - 100 Reps workouts @activateurlifestyle
- 11am - 100 HSPU’s @hakim.azahar
- 12pm - Bodyweight Challenge @theemilytan
- 2pm - Online Biz Ideas @linoralow
- 3pm - Bodyweight Circuit @drewdjfit @corereactorptstudio
- 5pm - Chair Workout @nanaalhaleq
- 5pm - Elitezfit MMA Conditioning - @andytehkh
- 5pm - Zumfit @herryhamzah
- 5pm - Zumba - @mabelletan
- 6pm - Hump Day HIIT @nsnadira_
- 6pm - PYRAMID - @aimranjamil
- 6pm - CARDIO & ABS @k_konea
- 7pm - Latin dance @alia_shaa
- 7pm - Vinyasa yoga @yilainitree
NEW scheduled will be posted DAILY at 9pm. Follow your favourite trainer or hashtag #covid19homeworkout.
Are you a trainer and wanna join our movement to keep Malaysians active at home? Please contact @k_konea.
All about Mika's family
Hello and hi,
Mika here. I have a great great grandmother that is my mum's grandmother mum. It is confusing . She is like 80 something I met her in a wedding we were a little late.
My dad and I do this tik tok dance on Instagram so folllow us .
I have 3 aunty's 2 uncle 2 grandmother 2 grandfather 1 great great grandmother .
And sometimes I go to my Omie and Opi house for a sleep over by myself and sometimes with my brother and my mama my dad doesn't really go because he has a lot of work .
That's all about my family
love Mikaela.
Jom Kurus Bersama Saya dan 20 Team Leader
February 25, 2020News & Events
Great news buat semua ... bersama saya dan 20x team leader pilihan untuk a special Cabaran Jom Kurus yang akan bermula 14 Mac sehingga 25 April 2020 ini. Program ini dengan pelbagai aktiviti sepanjang program 6 minggu termasuk lah seminar di Prince Court Medical Centre bersama saya pada 22hb Mac 2020.
In loving memory of Abam Bocey
Salam Abam,
When I heard the news, I just kept staring at my phone. The brief but meaningful times we shared kept rolling in my head. You are and will always be one of the nicest & most sincere people I have ever met. We tried many times do to something together. I remember tearing up during our dinner discussions to help you inspire others who are at times misunderstood, misrepresented and pressured to please public expectations. You were always always always willing to contribute your time and energy towards helping others. Even if it meant sacrificing your own well-being.
Perhaps we should have done more to help you.
I will miss you my brother.
Allaahummaghfir li Syed Umar Mukhtar Syed Mohd Ridzuan warfa' darajatahu fil-mahdiyyeena, wakhlufhu fee 'aqibihi fil-ghaabireena , waghfir-lanaa wa lahu yaa Rabbal-'aalameena, wafsah lahu fee qabrihi wa nawwir lahu feehi
For Abam it was never about #gemukisawesome. It was about being AWESOME no matter what.
Sinar Live - Senaman Boleh Bawa Maut?
February 21, 2020News & Eventssenaman
Sessi perbincangan bersama Sinar Live bincangkan topik - Senaman Boleh Bawa Maut, yang kini sekali lagi menjadi topik disebabkan pemergian rakan saya, Allahyarham Ashraf Sinclair yang very sadly meninggal baru-baru disebabkan serangan jantung.